Presidential Executive Order reiterates illegality of LRC occupation, rejects and bans their activities in Ambazonia


IG reaffirms Ambazonian legal “separateness” in formal ban on La République du Cameroun electioneering on Ambazonian soil.

In a new Presidential Order, signed by Interim President Mariana Njomia, the IG has cautioned Ambazonian citizens against becoming unwitting dupes of La République du Cameroun’s illegal activities in the coming months.

With the pressing need for La République du Cameroun’s seven year charade coming in 2025, it is expected that they and their allies and agents will be trying to make-believe that they have   Ambazonian representation in their country’s “gouvernants'” ranks.

The IG reminds La République du Cameroun and all her allies to stay clear of the separate demarcated national territory on Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia)  as  La République du Cameroun borders were established on 1/1/1960 in the AU Charter which La République du Cameroun has signed up to.

La République du Cameroun herself  definitively released Southern Cameroons from the oft-violated and unconfirmed “union” when they reverted  their sphere of sovereignty to their territorial borders at independence on 1/1/1960, by renaming themselves to their birth name. In that act, they irreversibly lost any rights over Southern Cameroons’ politics, economy or resources, whether they could parade any unwitting stooges or not.

As HCB28/92 implies, La République du Cameroun remains an “illegal and forceful occupier”, a status which cannot change unless Ambazonia and La République du Cameroun decide separately whether to have any form of association. In other words, Ambazonia has the sovereign decision with no regard or influence from La République du Cameroun and any intimidation, especially in the counter-productive form of colonial style terror is not moving any of our citizens anywhere but towards independence. Killing toddlers on their way to school, killing pregnant women, abducting Ambazonians, “neutralising” Ambazonian youths  because they are “suspected separatists” need to draw the condemnation and sanctions of the international community and the ICJ.

Daring Move rules of engagement already specifically authorize ARF+ to target “allies and agents” of La République du Cameroun. All those who shall attempt to carry out any activities in preparation for or in direct acts of “electioneering” or claim to represent Ambazonia in the foreign ranks of La République du Cameroun parliament or any of their “gouvernants'” institutions shall automatically join the ranks of the pre-warned legitimate targets of the ARF+.

Ambazonian citizens are well advised to assert their legal right not to be accosted or coerced by any La République du Cameroun agents as LRC has not shown cause to still be in Ambazonia, contrary to the ruling of the Bamenda High Court in HCB28/92.  They cannot hold legal elections in Ambazonia. Period.

Read the PEO here

The Most High God, and our ancestors are the Watchmen of Ambazonia.

Ambazonian Education – the question of decolonisation. “Look West!”

DESC, the Interim Government’s Department for Education Strategic Collaboration has put forward some answers to questions about the future of Ambazonian Education. The summary is that Ambazonia will “look West” for the immediate term to solve the most pressing issue of La République du Cameroun’s continued interference with our children’s futures.

First the questions. Where is the Ambazonian Curriculum? How are our children going to be assessed and certified so that they can progress in life? How can we help? These are some of the key questions which have been tabled in APP meetings hosted by the IG to open itself to accountability in line with its “Action and Accountability”, AA, doctrine. For memory, AA, along with Building Bridges, BB, and Complementary Commitment, CC, are the pillars on which the IG manages her prosecution of the Ambazonian Liberation Struggle.

Back to DESC on Education and the way forward for Ambazonian Institutions. DESC is encouraged by the proliferation of Community Schools in Ambazonia as they show the people’s vote against La République du Cameroun’s meddling. Until now,  the big question has been the issue of examination and certification with the incongruous situation that Ambazonian Community schools have had to informally seek certification from La République du Cameroun’s appointed boards. DESC expects that the long term terminal goal for Ambazonia is to establish independent and competitive Ambazonian Exam boards to run assessment and certification for secondary education, allowing Ambazonian students to gain access to higher education institutions and universities worldwide. In the short term the most viable solution will be to seek certification, initially as external candidates, from WAEC, the West African Examination Council, and eventually, medium term, to establish Ambazonian membership of WAEC so that WAEC can run local affiliated centres.

Before further questions, Ambazonia does not need to be “recognised” to exercise the right to education and self-governance – look at Somaliland. The step away from La République du Cameroun in this domain is the next and probably most psychologically difficult but is the logical break that will see La République influence even through their fifth columnists, who like to be described as “elites”, dwindle. On this step DESC is appealing to all Ambazonian Independentist movements to collaborate by supporting all the community schools they support to make this break. At the very least they should align their charges towards this separate route from La République du Cameroun.

At primary level, our community schools can expect further orders once DESC has compiled information on the options for assessment.

On the question “how can we help?” all Ambazonians and friends of Ambazonia can contribute their expertise, knowledge and experience to help our children, learn and develop their minds in line with all other children in every other nation on our planet. If you are a specialist in E-learning, or know how to deliver such material Ambazonia needs you. If you know an organisation which is willing to donate such materials to our schools on G0 or in refugee camps in G1, Ambazonia needs you. Think that books are the past? No. Ambazonian children need them on G0 and G1. Our children need to know that we are thinking of them. Nothing is insignificant.

The Most High God is the Watchman of Ambazonia.

Feb 11 2024 – IG warns Ambazonians of Likely LRC schemes.


La République du Cameroun seems to think that march-passes are “something” to prove normalcy.

It goes without saying that Ambazonians rejected “normalcy” way back in 2017 and embraced their independence and dignity.

Try as La République du Cameroun might, they have not been able to convince even the black legs who are tempted to collect their cash to deliver nothing. Well, apart from a cover for “les gouvernants’ ” embezzlement schemes across the border in their country, even as they have embarked on extracting blood from stones with huge price hikes for their poor.

They will, no doubt try again this year.

Under Daring Move guidelines, ARF+ are authorised to secure the dignity and sovereignty of Ambazonia from the La République du Cameroun’s illegal occupiers at all cost, protected by Ambazonia’s right to external self-determination which has variously been established in Banjul by the African Commission; in Bamenda by the Bamenda High Court in its judgement HCB 28/92, to name but these two.

Black legs and all other allies and cronies of La République du Cameroun are a legitimate targets whose time has come. The IG is warning all Ambazonia to avoid being the scapegoats this weekend.

The Most High God continues to be the Watchman of our Nation.

IG Condemns Mamfe Massacre


There seems no limit to the depths of La République du Cameroun’s crimes against Ambazonians.

The IG has once more been forced to call the international community’s attention to one more unspeakable and barbaric massacre in Manyu County.

The new entry in La République du Cameroun’s glossary of massacres in Ambazonia is Egbekaw village in Akwaya Local Government Area (LGA) of Manyu County in Ambazonia, where on November, 6th 2023, the latest one took place. This time it was the work of La République du Cameroun’s proxies but the responsibility still belongs with the genocidaires.

May their souls rest in peace.

Read the release here.

TPS extension confirms “normalcy” unacceptable


The Temporary Protected Status, TPS, was largely unknown among Ambazonians and Camerounese before it was announced.

It came in response to the repression and rampant abuses of human rights in La Republique du Cameroun as well as the continuing genocidal crimes in Ambazonia.

Since then the regime of nonagenarian invalid Mr Biya has invested heavily in amateur spinners whose catch phrase is “normalcy has returned”.

While the US has not disputed the “return of normalcy” it would appear that if the US is not just displaying diplomatic know how then they have concluded that normalcy in La Republique du Cameroun does not equate to safety for would-be refugees. The TPS has been extended for another 18 months for victims of La Republique du Cameroun. The US has their own understanding of normalcy in La Republique du Cameroun and it warrants protection for all La Republique du Cameroun citizens, talk less of Ambazonians.

For Ambazonians the “return to normalcy” would translate to “continue the Liberation Struggle” for its meaning is that corruption, marginalisation, tribalism and attempted assimilation, among other burdens, are to be stepped up.

In a real sense the return of normalcy signals to the US and other international partners interested in the security of the Gulf of Guinea that La Republique du Cameroun has no intention of attempting a viable peaceful solution of the Ambazonian Liberation Struggle.

That leaves international community partners with no credible voice to try to persuade Ambazonians that they should consider any other solution than to physically eject La Republique du Cameroun from their land.

The Most High God and our ancestors will continue to fight our corner until the international community decides once more “never again”

IG President Marianta Njomia addresses the fallacy of disunity in Independence-Day address.


Speaking on the eve of Independence Day 2023 President Marianta Njomia raised the issues of silent complicity of the international community in the face of intolerable genocidal acts by La Republique du Cameroun. She encouraged Ambazonian citizens to continue to support the ARF+ in driving out the occupying forces and agents of La Republique du Cameroun. Even if all Ambazonian Independentists united, she argued, the international community would still wait for a mutually harmful stalemate, which could only be hastened by the actions of the ARF+ on ground.

She asserted that contrary to popular statements Ambazonian Independentist entities have been resolute every time their unity of purpose had come under examination, twice, in front of international witnesses, spontaneously asserting their uniform objective of independence for Ambazonia.

While it is true that Ambazonian Independentist entities have diverse methods it is unfair to continue to excuse La République du Cameroun’s crimes, or even tolerate them while calling for Ambazonia to show unity. There is no country where all the citizens are required to have only one political view!

The president pointed to the killings of two school children in school traffic, shot by uniformed agents of La République du Cameroun, as examples of acts which ought to have incurred the wrath of the international community regardless of whether Ambazonian entities were united or not.

The president stopped short of warning that the clamour for “unity” conferences risked diverting attention from the needful on G0, or worse, dissipating the momentum of the Liberation Struggle to La République du Cameroun’s advantage.

Read the transcript of the address below:

Text of the speech:
Fellow Ambazonians,
After seven years of our Liberation Struggle we can see how we have progressed towards our GOALS (the God-Ordained Ambazonian Liberation Struggle!)
We the Ambazonians pledge our loyalty.

We pause to pay our respects to the fallen heroes of Ambazonia over the last six decades as well as to acknowledge the efforts of the ARF+, who have, since 2/Sept/23, been engaged in The Daring Move. I hereby call on all Ambazonians to show their Complementary Commitment to our Ambazonian Liberation Struggle by supporting their counties’ and the rest of our nation’s ARF+ in The Daring Move.

Throughout the six decades of Southern Cameroons,  Ambazonia,  it was always the case that at any juncture there was only a quality few who only wanted La République du Cameroun to implement reforms to improve the lot of Southern Cameroonians, which, it turns out were already recognised and recommended by the African Commission way back in 2003 ( Communication No 266/2003 of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights.)

In the late nineteen fifties despite different methods and ideologies, our forefathers, dismayed at the lack of true representation, left the The British UN Trusteeship of Nigeria. They achieved self-governance with a proper multi-party system.
When we started it was only a quality few who only wanted improvements at each stage. In the late nineteen fifties despite different methods and ideologies, our forefathers, dismayed at the lack of true representation, left the Nigerian trusteeship. They achieved self-governance with a proper multi-party system.
When independence came, unjust though the process was, there was a vibrant discussion in civility among the different parties of our nation. Our then leaders did the responsible and accepted the vote as a method to decide and threw in our nation’s lot with the Federation of East and West Cameroon, subject to established pre-conditions.

Almost immediately some quality few could see the flaws, as the pre-conditions were roundly flouted, and stood up to be counted. They endured harsh political imprisonment and other inhumane treatments at the hands of the East Cameroun authorities but their aim, to ensure our identity survived, was achieved.
In addition to our quality few, Ambazonia has always had The Most High God as our Watchman. East Cameroun declined to seal our nation into the Cameroun Federation, thereby leaving us at liberty to reconsider at our convenience in the future. Of course, this depended on the assimilation failing and here again how could we explain how badly the assimilation went than that The Most High God, our Watchman, was at work? East Cameroon’s scheme was to assimilate but rather than make Southern Cameroonians (West Cameroonians) feel at home and among “brothers”, they set up a counter-productive system of discrimination and exclusion whose only possible aim would be to alienate and distance Southern Cameroonians from “their purported brothers” of East Cameroon.  The effect was far from assimilating West Cameroon as the progressive discrimination, exclusion, tribalism, corruption … and you name it, conveyed the clear message that West Cameroonians (Former Southern Cameroonians) had no place in the “Federal or United” Republic of Cameroon.
As if that was not enough, in 1984 East Cameroun decided to break cover and secede from the forged “federation”, a treaty void federation! Well, that was the implication of re-naming the then United Republic of Cameroun to La République du Cameroun as it effectively reverted La République du Cameroun to its borders at independence in 1960 as per the statutes of the African Union charter on human and peoples’ rights. Even this was a reaction to the actions of a quality few Southern Cameroonians who bravely sought redress at the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR). What are the odds? A handful of quality people managed to get the Commission to rule that Southern Cameroonians, later Ambazonians, were a people with the right to external self-determination. Though those few only wanted reforms to ensure equality of opportunity, justice and recognition, it is remarkable how well they fared. The Commission recommended reforms to improve the lot of Southern Cameroonians (and East Cameroonians) but the East Cameroun government decided they needed to enforce “unity”! They all along miscalculated that the quality few Southern Cameroonians, despite prevailing against La République du Cameroun in an international court, could be ignored and that paper “unity” was better than the “unity reforms” the Commission had recommended!

How few is one? The next of the few in the sequence was the one and only Gorji Dinka, KC, who for his part underwent biblical torture to establish for the record that 1984 was in fact a secession by La République du Cameroun and, therefore, that not only were Ambazonians “a people” but that they had a country of their own with sovereignty just for the claiming. HCB 28/92 lives for ever on record to establish that the destiny of Ambazonians is with Ambazonians and not in the purview of La République du Cameroun. So “Grand National Dialogue” and “special status” and any other costume balls in La République du Cameroun are their things with no legal or other binding power over Ambazonia. As HCB 28/92 says “La République du Cameroun is illegally and forcibly occupying Ambazonia”. The “GOALS”, The God-ordained Ambazonian Liberation Struggle, is righteous. Any comments from La République du Cameroun are noise! If they wish to withdraw in an orderly fashion and be good neighbours in future that is the negotiation.
 It is inconceivable that after the last seven years of visiting all forms of repellent crimes on our people that they would imagine that they have any future association or cohabitation with Ambazonia! Of course, we have a common border which we cannot help, but that is it.
That brings us to the ludicrous “arguments” ongoing among Ambazonian entities.

First of all, how any entity which calls itself Ambazonian could be entertaining discussions about Federation with La République du Cameroun is a text-book paradox. La République du Cameroun started the current spate of killings and intimidation partly to dissuade all from using the word “federation” so it would take some contortions for an Ambazonian entity to square that even if their intention is to be seen as “inclusive”.

The reality is that it does not matter how inclusive we, the Ambazonians, are when it comes to those ideas of federation and any links to La République du Cameroun! It does not fit for any party to be Ambazonian and have “federalist” members or, worse, entertain “unionists” who happen to have been born in Ambazonia! Where does it go? Has La République du Cameroun offered anyone federation or is it really so obvious that certain naive are “preparing to negotiate federation” with the people who are willing to kill school children and pregnant women to stop the mere use of the word “federation”?

It is now common knowledge that La République du Cameroun has ventured into a “dialogue” of sorts twice and each time Ambazonian parties have demonstrated a unity of purpose which leaves no doubt and need not be proved through any conferences.  The unity Ambazonia needs is the drive to expel La République du Cameroun from our land and that will be achieved through appropriate action at the appropriate location. The appropriate location is not several thousand miles away and appropriate action is certainly not navel gazing discussions about hypothetical negotiations with a foe who has disowned at least two potential negotiation opportunities.  Are Ambazonians proposing to make concessions to show that “federalists” and “unionists” form part of our “unity of purpose” and expecting to get “any negotiation”?

La République du Cameroun has a very weak-to-zero negotiating position at this juncture where more and more Ambazonians should and are getting to know about HCB 28/92 ruling, especially when La République du Cameroun is doing their utmost to repel and alienate even the naïve “federalists”.

Conferences will come at an appropriate time when, like our forefathers, we will work in our diverse independentist entities to ensure our nation functions justly for all our citizens.  For now our unity of purpose is cemented on the total and unconditional independence for Ambazonia and that relies on the obvious, Daring Moves to expel La République du Cameroun from our land.

To the international community:

The apparent misguided perception of disunity of Ambazonian entities, quoted by the international community as a weakness, is a strength which has ensured that the Ambazonian Liberation Struggle has survived all La République du Cameroun attempts to undermine it. The diverse methods of Ambazonian entities have not affected their unity of purpose when it comes to the essential – the total and unconditional independence of Ambazonia. We would challenge the international community’s callous calm when faced with, for example, the killings of two nursery school children in two different locations over a fortnight in the absence of any Ambazonian Restoration Forces and the several killings of harmless and helpless civilians, such as pregnant women and children in villages, notably in Ngarbuh on Valentine’s day 2020. This lack of concern was all the more disturbing considering the reports and experiences of international human rights groups such as Human Rights Watch and MSF at the hands of La République du Cameroun.

While it is “obvious” that “unity” would help our cause, it is not fair to promote or propagate the idea that we are not united. This has helped La République du Cameroun to continue to try to out-wait the Ambazonians and engage certain fringes of the fifth column to orchestrate prevarication and self-blame, which all undermine our focus and increases the magnitude and volume of the genocidal crimes they visit on our people, who have continued to demonstrate their unity by abstaining from La République du Cameroun control for the past seven years, on at least a weekly basis.

We should refuse to fall prey to the illogical rhetoric of “Ambazonians need to be united for the International Community to intervene to stop the killings or suffering of our people”

We need to ask ourselves whether our so-called lack of unity justifies the impunity with which La République is able to commit those genocidal acts on our citizens. Is that the idea the international community wants to sell?  That they will not tackle La République du Cameroun for the killings of nursery school children by their agents firing live rounds into school-run traffic because until Ambazonians are “united”? Our answers to all these questions would be “No!” and we, the Ambazonians are left with but the one option which is to go it alone and let the international community live with their consciences as we endure every abdication of the high-sounding Responsibility to Protect.

1) There is no international treaty or consensus prescribing unity as a prerequisite for the competent institutions International community to intervene for global peace and security.

2) Ambazonians are already united in the purpose/outcome/objective of attaining a total and unconditional Freedom, Independence and Sovereignty of our Homeland – Ambazonia.
We the Ambazonians do not accept that the International Community that is condoning genocide with impunity to hide from their responsibility when they attempt to misinterpret or misconstrue differences in approach and strategy of fighting the enemy of the different Ambazonia Independentist Entities as signs of disunity. We see our differences and diversity as a strength, because those differences in approach and strategy allow us to survive all manner of schemes and ruses by the enemy to thwart our Liberation Struggle.  Those differences allow us a 360-degree perspective in the Struggle.

No number of conference resolutions announcing paper unity will ever be a passport for the international community to intervene because the same so called international community, constituted by sovereign nations that are signatories to the UN sanctioned R2P is silently awaiting with impunity, for 7 years now, the attainment of a MHS (Mutually Harmful Stalemate), which is the status that will pressure both parties to commit to any negotiation process. That means La République du Cameroun is deemed to not be motivated to engage in meaningful negotiations as they are not enduring sufficient suffering. 

A sustainable firepower escalation on the ground is therefore paramount to determine a paradigm shift in their thinking as its the sole tool that will quickly take us to an MHS, hence get LRC to commit to a negotiation process soonest.

To Ambazonians:  If we need to “prove” anything to the international community it is that we deserve our country and sovereignty back. That is not by caving in to illogical concessions even before any contact with La République du Cameroun! It is by funding, fighting and freeing our land from the occupying militias of La République du Cameroun. As the international community displays silent complicity for the killings of school children on the streets of our towns and pregnant women in our villages the message is that we have to dare to go it alone to dislodge La République du Cameroun and ALL her allies and agents from our land.

Support your county in its Daring Move!

Happy Independence Day,
To our Heroes boring the land with their blood to dare the enemy La République du Cameroun out of Ambazonia,

Happy Independence Day,
To the quality few patriots enduring in sacrifices to safeguard resources for a free, independent and sovereign homeland,

Happy Independence Day,
To you all citizens of the ancestral linage and terrestrial origin of Southern Cameroons Ambazonia.

The Most High God and our Ancestors continue to keep Watch for Ambazonia.

ACT -Team Ambazonia in fireside chat on eve of Independence day 2023


ACT, the Ambazonian Coalition Team, is holding a fireside chat this Saturday 30th September 2023 from 4pm Ambazonia time.

We the Ambazonians and friends and well wishers of Ambazonia are all warmly welcome to come and share.

Learn about ACT and how to contribute.

Be entertained by our artists.

Finally meet one of the British MPs who has been in our corner in this Ambazonian Liberation Struggle.

Our destiny is in our hands.

Running out of ideas LRC reverts to French mentors’ ideas


Ambazonia News comes to you with a mix of reassurance that La République du Cameroun is losing the war and the sad fact that, like the French did six decades ago as they “left” their African colonies, La République du Cameroun want to cause as much pain as possible, in the vain and futile hope of terrorising us. Sadly we have seen it all before and endured it all before, before deciding to draw the line.

This week Ambazonia has seen another hero bear the land with their blood. In that event La République has seen fit to remain true to type by “displaying” his body like the French and their collaborators used to do with the nationalist independence fighters in Cameroun and the other colonies. We know that the collaborators of those days are still in office, even if not in power, in La République du Cameroun so it is no surprise they are borrowing from what they did all those years ago. Nor is it a surprise in Ambazonia as they have done it for the last seven years.

They have shot and killed toddlers on their way to nursery school, toddlers who literally could not hurt a fly and that did not deter us the Ambazonians. How could it?

They have indiscriminately killed a village-ful of pregnant women, children and elderly. Did that deter us? Did they learn?

They have similarly displayed other heroes. Did that deter us, the Ambazonians? No. We no longer have to try and convince those fifth columnists called federalists as it is now up to them not only to explain why despite La République du Cameroun systematically intimidating their own citizens for merely using the word federation, they think that we the Ambazonians should engage in a fanciful debate about a federation with people who, as if to make certain, are employing the methods of their French mentors to underline the utter untenability of even the loosest association.

As painful as it is we the Ambazonians must stay focused on the Daring Move methods to actualise our independence and expel the illegal and forcible occupiers of our land.

La République du Cameroun is a country outside and separate from Ambazonia not because we the Ambazonians say but because international law does . They are only on our land because they have been able to get away with it in the past. No more. We know how to get them out and we must stay the course and get our nation back for our future generations. The grand children of our fallen heroes need to fare better than the children of Um or Roland or … They must be able to see schools and universities and libraries and parks and streets named after those forebears who bore the land with their blood.

The Most High God is the Watchman of our Nation and the guide to our ARF+.